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Exploring Christianity ?

Our next Christianity Explored Course begins in April, 2024, register interest here. Several times throughout the year we take time to explore what Christianity is all about. Sometimes we do this as a course in a big group over a meal, or online or just two people gathered together if that's what suits. If you're someone who has questions about Jesus, God, the Bible or you're wanting to explore christianity as an adult, simply let us know you're interested and we can give you details of the next course. 

Looking for help?

Seeking God does not necessarily make life easier. Sometimes it gets harder. All people are broken – and we have the capacity to hurt others through that brokenness. Followers of Christ seek to help each other, to ‘bear each other's burdens’, so in the hard times contact our Senior Minister or someone else you know at St Mary’s in the first instance. 

But some issues and stages in life benefit from professional help. Below is a list of professional therapists known for a Christian approach to their work; we hope to add to it over time. Please note that these therapists do not represent St Mary’s, nor do they have any affiliation with St Mary’s. As with all matters of health, use your discernment in engaging anyone to help you. Also, this article may be helpful when choosing professional help.

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